Dipl. Arzt
William A. Innes, MRCP, MBBS, BSc

Augenarzt, Medizinischer Standortleiter Wallisellen


Seit 07/2023


04/2021 – 07/2023

Consultant Medical Ophthalmologist, Newcastle Eye Centre, Grossbritannien

08/2020 – 04/2021

Oberarzt Augenheilkunde, Augenklinik Wettingen, Schweiz

08/2019 – 08/2020

Oberarzt iv Augenheilkunde, Universitätsspital Zürich, Schweiz

Seit 07/2019

Clinical Director, Neura Health Group Ltd, Grossbritannien

03/2017 – 07/2019

Committee Member, Medical Ophthalmological Society UK

Seit 03/2017

Medical Technology Clinical Lead, NIHR LCRN North East and North Cumbria, Grossbritannien

Seit 05/2016

Associate Clinical Lecturer, Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Grossbritannien


Associate Researcher, Institute of Neuroscience, Newcastle University, Grossbritannien

Seit 07/2014

IT Clinical Advisory Group specialty lead, Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation trust, Newcastle, Grossbritannien

12/2013 – 07/2019

Consultant Medical Ophthalmologist, Newcastle Eye Centre, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle upon Tyne NHS Foundation trust, Newcastle, Grossbritannien

08/2013 – 12/2013

Clinical Fellow in Uveitis and Medical Retina, Manchester Royal Eye Hospital, Central Manchester, Grossbritannien

02/2009 – 08/2013

Specialty Trainee, Medical Ophthalmology, Royal Victoria Infirmary, Newcastle, Grossbritannien

08/2008 – 02/2009

Locum Specialist Registrar, Fairfield General Hospital, Bury, Grossbritannien

08/2007 – 07/2008

Senior house officer neurology (mvt disorders, headache, neuro-ophth), National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, Queen Square, London, Grossbritannien

08/2003 – 07/2007

House officer / senior house officer, St. Bartholomew’s and the Royal London Hospitals, Grossbritannien

08/1998 – 07/2003

Medical Student, St. Bartholomew’s and the Royal London School of Medicine, University of London, Grossbritannien

Ausbildung / Studium


Fellowship European Board Ophthalmology


Eidgenössische Anerkennung als Arzt, Schweizerisches Bundesamt für Gesundheit


CCST Medical Ophthalmology, Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board


Dipl. Opth., Royal College of Ophthalmologist, London, Grossbritannien


MRCP, Royal College of Physicians, London, Grossbritannien


MB BS, Bart’s and the Royal London School of Medicine, Grossbritannien


BSc, Queen Mary University of London, Grossbritannien


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